About Our School

About Us

Our Vision

Developing an accomplished female.

Our Mission

Promoting Discipline,Excellence, and Virtue by educating the girl child.


Our Core Values

Academic Excellence, Integrity and Diligence 

Brief History of the College

Federal Government Girl’s College, Abuloma was established along side with other second generation unity schools in 1975, at the temporary site in the Bokokiri area of Port Harcourt  City.

The college started with thirty-four (34) students, eight (8) teaching staff and fourteen (14) non-teaching staff with Mrs. Okobi as the pioneer principal.

In 1976, the college was moved to another temporary site within the permanent site in Abuloma town and admitted three (3) arms of JSS one (JSS 1) students. As more classrooms were made available, more pioneer teaching staff and non-teaching staff were posted to the college.

The Junior Secondary School component was disarticulated from the Senior Secondary School between 2006 and 2010. This was re-instated from 2010/2011 academic session. Presently, the student population stands at 1,377 while the teaching staff strength is about 106.

The college has since inception excelled in many academic and co-curriculum activities. A student of F.G.G.C. Abuloma, Miss Jane Nwonu had the best WAEC result in West Africa in 1989 – 8A1 and 1A3. Our history will not complete if it is not mentioned that in 2001, one of our ex-students, Miss Agbani Derego, won the coveted Miss World Beauty Contest and became the first black woman to win the crown in the world. This achievement put this college permanently on the world map and in the Guinness Book of Records.

The College Anthem


Hail Abuloma
Source of our hope
Fountain of Truth and conscience
Mother of Science
Home of the Art
We owe you love and reverence
Centre of love and unity
Where knowledge flows in abundance
Pride of our State and Nation
Where wisdom flows without hindrance
Where learners learn and teachers teach
Federal Government Girls' College Abuloma

Important Message : 3RD TERM 2023/2024 ACADEMIC SESSION BEGINS ON 21ST APRIL , 2024
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